Thursday, May 6, 2010


This may sound a little weird but usually when I have dreams they are not very scary (probably because of my dream catcher), but they are either flashbacks or awesome dreams. Some of my awesome dreams have been if like I get something I have really wanted like a new phone or a new pair of shoes. About 50% of my dreams are warnings so to speak. My dreams are my school journal. A lot of times I will have a dream that I forgot a paper that needed to be signed or I forget my baseball jersey, and then I wake up no matter what time it is and I get what I saw in my dreams. Also some of my dreams are foreshadowing. Ill see a house or some object in and then I will see it later and have the weirdest sense of deja vu. I think that my dreams are more like Romeos because when Romeo talks about his dreams it is all about foreshadowing like when he was going to the party he was talking about what he dreamt was going to happen.


  1. Sometimes my dreams also have foreshadowing in them. Good blog.

  2. I have really weird flashbacks about dreams when I see stuff all the time.
