Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Animal farm project

The words are around the outside of the pig drawing and the colors don't come up very well.

Abuse of language poem.

In the animal farm
there aren't many smart animals
besides the sheep
it was like taking candy from a baby

The pigs use words to rule

Bird says, " I don't like the 2 legs bad 4 legs good summarization.
I only have 2 feet and 2 wings
pig convinces, " your wings are an organ so they count as legs"
birds convinced

Some rule with strength and leadership
the pigs use words to rule

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Poetry out loud performances

Will Farley recited a poem titled "Danse Russe" by William Carlos Williams. The poem was weird. It stated how the person in the poem stood naked in front of his mirror and waved his shirt around while singing softly to himself. Will's performance was magnificent. He kept the audience interested with his funny facial expressions and change in voice but they were necessary and not over the top or silly. The level of difficulty could have been a little harder because the poem was pretty short and a third grader could have read all of the words.

Will does a great job of putting himself in the poem so that when he says it you actually think the poem was written about him. You can tell that he knows the true meaning of the poem because he puts extra delays and emphasis on the important parts like when he says he is meant to be lonely, he slows the poem down. Also he made the audience laugh. After Will's performance I give him overall an 11 out of 12, he did awesome!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Mockingbird Motif

In the book "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee the motif of mockingbird is introduced. When Atticus tells scout about killing a mockingbird he says how it is not right to kill a mockingbird because it is innocent. This motif shows up several times in the book. Tom Robinson, a local black man who is accused of rape, could possibly be innocent or guilty. There is no evidence that Tom is guilty so it leaves you to believe that Tom is innocent. Tom ends up getting shot 17 times and dies trying to escape from prison. Tom is innocent and was killed (mockingbird).
Another example of the mockingbird motif is Scout and Jem. Atticus (Scout and Jems dad) was defending Tom Robinson and the guy who wanted Tom to be convicted (Bob Ewell) swore to Atticus that he would get him back for defending Tom. One night when Scout and Jem are walking home from a play, Bob attacked Scout and Jem when they did nothing wrong.
The mockingbird motif shows up several times in this book because of all of the people that are innocent and killed/attacked

Monday, November 2, 2009

Life Lesson

Throughout my life I have picked up life lessons from either a coach or my parents. Look both ways before you cross the street, use your head, don't do anything stupid, etc.... All of these are important, but are not life changing. Of all of the things I have learned in my life the most important lesson is "think". Always before I go to a friends house or somewhere without my parents, my dad looks at me, puts both of his index fingers to his temple, and says THINK.

"Think" can apply throughout life in everything that you do, and when I say everything I mean everything. I think when my dad says this to me he is mainly thinking don't do anything like drug, or anything that will get me in trouble, but mainly don't get hurt. There is always the risk of getting hurt, and that is why my dad says this to me all of the time weather I am going to my friends house, or just riding my bike to school. Of all of my life lessons this is the most important one to me and has had the most impact on my life.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Best Friend Characterization

I have been on this earth for 14 years and I have really only known one person for my entire life (with the exception of my parents). That is my best friend Colt. Colt is a bigger kid, not large but well built. He is probably one the nicest and most quiet kids I have ever known. Once you get to know him he is the funniest kid ever. He will literally make you laugh until you cry. Other people think that he is really quiet and dull, and that is because he is to people he doesn't know very well, but after you have known him he is hilarious. He will quote any movie you could imagine (especially Will Ferril movies).

Colt is one of those kids that will never talk trash, and will never do anything to stop someone that talks trash to him. Colt is very quiet, he will not really talk to you unless you know him. Colt could be a comedian if he wanted to because of how hilarious he is. A good word to describe Colt is a couch potato. Always sitting on the couch watching a movie or playing a video game. That is my best friend Colt.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Treasure Island: Motif

In the book "Treasure Island" the most dominant literary feature is Motif. There are three different motif's. One motif is the color black, another is animals, and the last one is when Jim is alone. Whenever Jim is alone something critical happens almost always, like when he is in the apple barrel and he over hears the plan of mutiny against Smollet, or when Jim meets the blind beggar Pew who ends up giving Long John Silver the black spot Jim is alone. The color black is an example of motif because whenever the color black appears something bad is about to happen. For instance the bad pirates plag is black, and the black spot says how somebody is going to die.

The last example of motif is animals. In several moments in the book the author reffers to the pirates actions like animals, like when he says that they jumped over the fence like monkeys, or that they stared at him like sheep in a herd. All of these examples are motifs helping to explain the book and signals.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Treasure Island

At first I was going to read the slaughter house book but then I decided that I would read the book "Treasure Island". This book is pretty fast. When I say fast I mean that right away it gets you thinking a little bit, not to much but just enough t suck you in to the book. It wasn't hard to get into at all, the first couple pages were slow but it sped up fast! One of the five literary elements that really pop out I can't really seem to find. It has very weird words so if I had to pick one of the literary elements it would have to be word choice. What I mean by wierd language is that sometimes I have to reread sentences because the words are in a sequence that I wouldn't normally see.
The reason why the author may have used this literary element is that the book is about pirates, and how the words are said help understand how the person that is talking is saying the words. There are lots of different tones in this book. In the beginning it is somber because his dad has died but the tone constantly changes throughout the book.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Kasey's blog review

First of all I love the flaming tiger. But you have to much personal information on your blogg. If I was a creeper I could hunt you down and steal you. Good thing I'm not. Also try and get a little more info on your interests and stuff.

Sincerely: Max Stottlemyre


For me reading a book is hard, it's not that hard after I get thirty pages into it, but before that I really have to focus. A lot of the time I'll catch myself drifting away from the words in the book. It's weird, I am reading the book but I am thinking of something completely different. I also only like certain types of books. I like imaginary but not to fake, and it has to have action in it. If the book doesn't have action it's not for me. I don't know what it is about gore in books, but that instantly hooks me in. I absolutely cannot stand the really boring books. I mine as well be watching television and reading at the same time because the words go in my mind and out of my mind faster than I can fall asleep.