Sunday, September 27, 2009

Kasey's blog review

First of all I love the flaming tiger. But you have to much personal information on your blogg. If I was a creeper I could hunt you down and steal you. Good thing I'm not. Also try and get a little more info on your interests and stuff.

Sincerely: Max Stottlemyre


For me reading a book is hard, it's not that hard after I get thirty pages into it, but before that I really have to focus. A lot of the time I'll catch myself drifting away from the words in the book. It's weird, I am reading the book but I am thinking of something completely different. I also only like certain types of books. I like imaginary but not to fake, and it has to have action in it. If the book doesn't have action it's not for me. I don't know what it is about gore in books, but that instantly hooks me in. I absolutely cannot stand the really boring books. I mine as well be watching television and reading at the same time because the words go in my mind and out of my mind faster than I can fall asleep.