Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New Years Resolution

It was a fun year full of sports, school, and just hanging out with friends. As everybody has noticed high school is about ten times harder than middle school and the sports opportunities are more abundant. I like to stay active and always have an organized sport that I am playing, so this year I tried out cross country and I didn't play basketball last year, but I did this year. That is exactly my problem. Practice is everyday till 5:30 for every sport so by the time I get home it is 6 and I don't feel like doing anything, and it has reflected in my grades. My new years resolution is to be a better student althlete.

My dad always tells me that school is my job and whenever he sees my report card and doesn't like it he says "You are a STUDENT athlete", and he says it with an extra emphasis on the student part. My dad is right. The chances of me going pro in a sport are 1 in 1,000,000, but if I have good grades, colleges will be calling me for my academics and maybe my sports. I just have to balance my time better. The main thing that will be a great contributor to being a better student is to get a better night sleep. If I get a better nights sleep then I will have more energy to do my homework after practice. Another thing I need to do is to not play as much video games. I don't play that much, but in the time I am playing video games, I could be studying for a test of hitting a bucket of baseballs. And the last thing is to eat more protein. Protein and carbohydrates give you energy, but if you have too much it can make you feel sluggish and tired. All of these things can contribute to my new years resolution, and that is to be a better STUDENT athlete.

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