Sunday, April 11, 2010

Extra Credit Reflection

I'm not gonna lie English is not my greatest subject. My vocabulary is sub par and my writing skills are well.... they're just writing skills nothing special. But this year I can definitely tell that my reading skills have improved greatly because I am just whizzing through chapters in all of these books whether I enjoy the book or not, and the best advice I have gotten about writing from anybody is when you told me that I needed to make my writing more of my own with better word chioce. Last year when it came to DGP I did not really pay much attention and I was very awful at it so to speak. If you would have brought up an appositive to me last year I wouldn't have known what you were talking about.

All of the stuff we have done this year has been fine. I very much enjoyed the poems and reading and annoting the books has been fine but mabe we could read a more modern book. Dont get me wrong I loved To Kill a Mockingbird and The Imortance of Being Ernest was also very good but modern literature is much different and I think it would be best if we mixed things up a bit and I know that we read the old books because the school has already bought them and the budget probably cant afford new books but it would be nice.